


明天是我的生日,在这里祝 Wolf & DeerEnder & Wither漂泊的岳飞 · 62456生命之辉 · 绽放 生日快乐!



“OI” do have deeeeeeeeeep influences on me , I learnt to have a good habit , calm down myself , face sooooo many failure but never give up . It also teach me to use some useful website and read a lot of English .

I spend almost 3 days on building my blog , leading a lot of things that haven’t down , and now I have to repay the debt .

Time is limited , and we have to treasure it , make good use of it , plan it very well .

I know the lazy boy before , now I have to fight on , to reach the top of the mountain , the top of human society , so that I can have a better life in the future and prepare for the unknown future.

But , what I should be in the future?


I don’t know , actually

But I know , this wolfdeer will never give up challenge himself !

I won’t disappoint him ; I won’t disappoint her ;

I won’t disappoint that WolfDeer in 2023.11.01 .

So I have to fight!


Everything is possible with a strong ideas in one’s heart!

文章作者: WolfDeer
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 WolfDeer !